Ruth Brasell>UIS Collection B's>UIS Collection B's, Segment 1


duration 15:03
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Curriculum about the same as now. School had a well-supplied library that school directors stocked. School had good directors; some are listed. When Mrs. Brasel went back to teaching, the schoolhouse was new, but it burned two years ago. Teachers heated students' food (stored in jars) at noon with a bucket on a furnace. Made toast for students with butter and honey supplied by government. Surplus commodities during the Depression. One director had commodities cut-off because some taxpayers had to pay for it. Water was brought from the pump, and water was heated for washing. No program for immunization or public nurses; generally, the only contagious illness was pinkeye. Taught many generations of a few families. Can not recall a need for punishment. Felt a mutual respect for students. Recalls a story about one boy who misbehaved and later became a very good friend. Teacher must have compassion. Practice of sending unruly children to "winter school" had ended by 1910. Terms were 6 months long, then 7 months, then 9 months. Received $40 for teaching. Estimates about 25% of students went to high school. Not many went to the Lutheran/Parochial school. Teachers in Cass County had a reading group that would give reports on books on teaching; the list of books came from the superintendent. It was another form of training.