Recalls movement to get county roads oiled. Taxes funded road-oil project. Road contractors came & gave detailed talks because "They expected us to have lawyers present." Oil was still boiling when it arrived in tankers. Tanker trucks & spreader trucks. Describes method of payment. Bert often did job of County Clerk. Mentions steel bridges & concrete culverts introduced at this time (DATE?). Mentions again that county had to assess taxes to fund these bridge & culvert projects. Mentions steel-man who got all bid jobs from county because he bribed people. Bridges were single-span steel. Later they replaced steel pavement with concrete pavement. Mentions corduroy roads, i.e., roads built of logs placed perpendicular to direction of road to keep vehicles from sinking in mud. Story of tractor sinking in previously corduroyed road - "Stuck tight as a jug."
Discusses changes in gate technology from cedar gate to steel gate. Mentions introduction of cattle gates by man at Illinois State Fair. Local dairy farmer bought cattle gate but found that it was poorly made & will not last.
Great story about bank examiners foreclosing on farms during Great Depression.