Winfred Mills>UIS Collection K-M>UIS Collection K-M, Segment 15
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- Had 10-12 horses & mule. Couldn't put them in pasture during hot days. Broke horses & mules. Discussion of how they were worked. "We worked 'em any way we needed 'em." First job in spring was breaking stalks, raking, & burning them. Not today. Equipment allows stalks to be cut to pieces. Learned in 1920's from Farm Bureau that plowing stalks back into ground was good practice. Wonders what EPA will do about some pesticides & herbicides. Some spraying done by farmer, some done by specialized companies. Notes changes in farming & change to mechanization sped up with introduction of hybrid corn. Pioneer corn. Previously used "Feed Yellow Dent". Hybrids were much more vigorous & productive. Mentions amount of productivity increase.