Michael Scully>LPL Interviews N-Z>LPL Interviews K-Z, Segment 8
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- Drafted into the Korean War. Went to Binghamton for a physical. Passed with a blind eye. Brother entered basic training with him at Fort Leonard Wood. Three weeks field training and eleven weeks watching films, etc. Brother knew a Sergeant in charge of files; told them about intelligence positions. Went to Camp Holabird, Baltimore. One rule - if you fell asleep in class, you were reassigned to Korea infantry. Story about gift for boss - Bass Ale - from Chicago. Left military in 1953. Stayed in Europe. While in intelligence service, spied on Germans with knowing only thirty German expressions. Hired a professor to teach them German. Father sent him an ultimatum postcard to come home. Sent to Chicago to work in a bank. Met Jean at the Art Institute - Jean Carol Scheckler. Married in 1954. Father had set up a trust for him to go to Buffalo to start farming.