List of Interviewees

Age Interview Countysort icon
Jody Heavner 30s Female 2000s Pike Manager of elk production at Pea Ridge Elk Ranch
Philip Bradshaw 60s Male 2000s Pike Grain and livestock farmer active in pork organization
Jacqueline Jackson 70s Female 2000s Rock County, WI Author of Stories from the Round Barn (1977)
Roy Harrington 80s Male 2000s Rock Island Retired mechanical engineer for John Deere & Company
Brian Holst 40s Male 2000s Rock Island Manager of the John Deere Collectors Center
Neil Dahlstrom 30s Male 2000s Rock Island Author of The John Deere Story (2005)
Pam Gray 50s Female 2000s Sangamon Director of Illinois State Fair Museum
Dr. Deanna Glosser 50s Female 2000s Sangamon Director of Slow Food Springfield
Marie Burch 80s Female 1980s Sangamon Farmer discusses her childhood and farm life in early 1900s
Evans Cantrall 80s Male 1970s Sangamon Farmer recalls rural life in the late 1800s and early 1900s
Gray Herndon 80s Male 1970s Sangamon Springfield lawyer recalls childhood on the farm
Margaret Honey 90s Female 1970s Sangamon Farm wife recalls Great Depression and two world wars
Marie South Williams 90s Female 1980s Sangamon Recalls family and farm life in southern Illinois, early 1900s
Michael Scully 80s Male 2000s Sangamon Applied principles of biodynamics and organic farming
David Seibert 60s Male 2000s Sangamon Extension livestock specialist
George Marr 70s Male 1970s Sangamon Moved from Kentucky to Illinois to launch farming career
William Hubbard 70s Male 1970s Sangamon Discusses African-American farm life in early 1900s
Alice Martin 80s Female 1970s Sangamon Recalls childhood on farm, rural education, and 1908 race riot
Winfred Mills 70s Male 1970s Sangamon Farmer discusses rural life and career with Pioneer Seed Company
John Moore 80s Male 1970s Sangamon Farmer who ran his farm operation from the age of 13
Ray (Bud) Nuckols 70s Male 1980s Sangamon Recalls early farm life, tractors, and rural electrification
Larry Smith 40s Male 1980s Sangamon Farmer discusses German heritage and impact of World War II
Emma Snodgrass 90s Female 1980s Sangamon Farm wife recalls her rural childhood and women's roles
Rolland Stone 70s Male 1970s Sangamon Stone Seed Company evolved from seed-corn trials in 1920s
William Wertheim 80s Male 1970s Sangamon Small-town butcher and cattle dealer in Athens, Illinois
Chris Eckert 30s Male 2000s St. Clair President of Eckert's Orchards, Inc.
Jose Martinez 40s Male 2000s St. Clair Mexican migrant worker at Eckert's Orchards
Martin Mauricio 30s Male 2000s St. Clair Manager of migrant workers at Eckert's Orchards
Ray Ackerman 80s Male 2000s Tazewell Memories of Ackerman Farms as a young man
John Ackerman 40s Male 2000s Tazewell Pumpkin farmer; diversified to preserve family farm
Yvette Ackerman 40s Female 2000s Tazewell Operates Ackerman Farms Store and a shop in town
Russ Jeckel 80s Male 2000s Tazewell Pork producer who pioneered hog confinement
Scott Jeckel 40s Male 2000s Tazewell Pork Manager for Jeckel hog confinement operation of 18,000 hogs on 1,500 acres
Wayne "Ren" Sirles 60s Male 2000s Union Operates Rnedleman Orchards (peach, apple, nectarines)
Wayne D. Sirles 40s Male 2000s Union Manages packing shed at Rendleman Orchards
Betty Sirles 60s Female 2000s Union Manages fruit harvest crews at Rendlemans Orchards
Dianna Hatfield < 20 Female 2000s Wayne Active 4-H and FFA member; seeks career in Ag marketing
Manda Geerts-Davis 20s Female 2000s Whiteside National Junior Advisor for Columbia Sheep Association
Frances Culver 80s Female 1970s Whiteside Farm wife recalls growing up near Mississippi River