Current search



: Dairy

Clip Search: Dairy

Results 1 - 30 of 55


NIU Collection, Segment 2

Better Milking Machines: duration 00:32

NIU Collection, Segment 4

NIU Collection, Segment 5

NIU Collection, Segment 8

NIU Collection, Segment 9

Dairy Farms Require Help: duration 00:23

NIU Collection, Segment 15

NIU Collection, Segment 18

NIU Collection, Segment 19

SEGMENT: WOMEN'S WORK & FAMILY: Audio duration 09:01

NIU Collection, Segment 20

UIS Collection, Segment 8

SEGMENT: NON-FARM WORK & LIVESTOCK: Audio duration 10:12
"It made that country!": duration 01:43

UIS Collection, Segment 23

UIS Collection H-I, Segment 15

UIS Collection K-M, Segment 1

UIS Collection N-R, Segment 1

Making Butter: duration 00:39

UIS Collection N-R, Segment 4

UIS Collection S, Segment 6