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: Childhood Work

Clip Search: Childhood Work

25 results


UIS Collection, Segment 2

UIS Collection, Segment 3

UIS Collection, Segment 14

A Crab-Tree Harrow: duration 01:13

UIS Collection C-G, Segment 3

Lard Into Soap: duration 00:52

UIS Collection C-G, Segment 8

UIS Collection K-M, Segment 1

UIS Collection S, Segment 2

Making Silage: duration 02:03

UIS Collection S, Segment 6

Trapping & Freezing Rabbits: duration 01:13
Selling the rabbits: duration 01:05

UIS Collection T-Z, Segment 1

UIS Collection T-Z, Segment 2

Dressing Cattle with Mother: duration 00:39

UIS Collection T-Z, Segment 5

Spreading Manure: duration 00:46
Shucking and Snapping: duration 00:51

ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 2

ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 7

ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 12

ISM Interviews M-Z, Segment 12

Working on a Threshing Crew: duration 01:57